Sunday, February 4, 2007

Yo!! Yo!! Yo!!....... (What The F....??!!!)

Sunday, February 4, 2007
Wassup peeps! Just droppin by this blog and saw Ammar's post who wanted someone to post something about something else (My words are making sense right? Haha). Well, for the sites which might help us in studies, I'm not sure yet. Haven't got the time to check it yet. I'm scared that the sites are not relevant too. (Sekadar satu alasan untuk menghindarkan agar orang ramai menyangka yang saya ada mencari website-website tentang pelajaran!Hehe).
BUT (it's a big
BUTT, opps, I mean, BUT) *I'm not gonna be ban from this blog right?*, for sites which is interesting or fun to read or browse through, here's some list I can share:

1)* (Makes people who visit this sites to park their car properly the next time)
2)* (Parental Guidance, Explicit Content, 18SX) *HaHaHa*
3)* (He talks/writes about everything, Brunei's Peter Parker and runs Coffeebean!)<-It's true Mar!
4)* (A site belongs to a 17-years-old (if I'm not mistaken) KB guy)
5) (Since I'm a KB-ian, might as well put this up. HeHeHe)
6) (I think he's the creator of "Cuboi" and all the BB's Bull Eye)

Well, those are some sites you guys might want to have a look at. It's fun especially those with stars on it! HaHaHa. You guys can click on the link from each sites which may take you to other interesting sites (Get it? If you don't, you guys punya pasal!HaHa).

Before I end this Khutbah Minggu*HeHeHe*, I think we (as in the "hantu-hantu" who usually view or post on this blog !
excluding me!, I repeat, excluding me!) to
promote this blog in the class (writing the blog's site on the REMINDER column perhaps?
*hmmm*...something to think about!). Til then, I'm your Wacky Kid signing out! Hit my music! Hahaha!

The Truly Panat,


Anonymous said...

"excluding me", yeah right (^^p) ahahaha

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