Tuesday, April 15, 2008

MRS Pictures....For Real!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I know you guys might be expecting me to have lots and lots of pictures during the MRS. But unfortunately, I don't have that much. First, it's because I forgot to change the settings of my camera, therefore, some pictures are not able to be viewed. Sorry for that. Secondly, it's because some of the pictures are dark and I'm not good at editing pictures (to make it clearer or lighter)! Sorry again.

You guys can click here for the MRS Pictures. I'm only posting those pictures which features BFBians or our department. So, no performances pictures. Once again, sorry :)

P/S: Does anybody wanna have a look at the performances pictures? Or any other pictures that I have?....If yes, just message me.

You guys can try and have a look here and here for more pics. I hope the link works :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

MRS Pictures....

Monday, April 14, 2008
I think I have to use other title for the post! Haha. I get the *hint hint* part from Ammar. Don't worry people, I'll post the MRS pictures as soon as I can, ok? Right now, I'm just too lazy! Macam inda biasa wah dapat online ani! Haha. Besides, I have to filter the pictures dulu. Kalau sekati-sekati saja post, ada tia gambar bida inda lawa, marah orang karang! Hehe. So, sabar² saja k?

*Taktik untuk suruh kamu rajin² check blog ani wah ni! Haha*

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Sunday, April 13, 2008
Thanks to those who attended MRS the other night, we had a great time..walaupun banking nada hadiah haha Those yg na dapat attend its very unfortunate but hopefully everyone'll make it at the Convo in May along with the dinner jua nanti. Hope to see pics soon *hint*hint* haha Later guys

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

MRS 08 confirm venue

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
It is confirm already that the Malam Rumpun SiWajar will be held at:

ICC Main Conference Hall

So come along people.. Lets celebrate our night together!! Cheers

Vevie Rafennie

Monday, April 7, 2008


Monday, April 7, 2008
BKP had mailed out the MRS Invites and everyone should get one (check your mailbox hehe). Well just in case anyone didn't get any (in which case you'd better call BKP Hotline ASAP) here's the details as laid out in the invite


After years of hard work and dedication, its time to celebrate on...

Malam Rumpun Siwajar 2008

Date: 11th April 2008

Time: 7:30pm

Venue: To be announced via ITB website and mass media
For further enquiries contact 8661069 or 8873183

Dress Code: Urban Classic
(a touch of modern and classic concept)



We'll keep you guys posted on latest updates so check out the blog regularly and you can go to http://www.itb.edu.bn for latest info. Oh and also don't forget to return the accompanying reply slip attached with the invite to ITB Lobby by 9th April or simply R.S.V.P. to BKP Hotline or email it to bkp.itb@gmail.com and of course bring your invites along for lucky draw and verification purposes.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Articles from Borneo Bulletin

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Hey.. For your easy reference, this is the article and picture from the Borneo Bulletin dated 25th and 28th March 2008.. Enjoy..

"BIBD AT-TAMWIL receives student visitors
Photo: Amin Hosni

BIBD AT-TAMWIL Bhd recently received a visit from 15 Institute Technology Brunei students, who were led by the Islamic banking lecturer. The visit aimed to offer students a practical insight of the finance company's operations, products and services, at the same time allowing them to apply all the theories and knowledge gained from their lecturers. On hand to welcome the visitors was BIBD AT-TAMWIL Bhd General Manager Irwan bin Lamit. The day also saw the students hearing a briefing delivered by BIBD AT-TAMWIL Bhd Marketing & Public Relations Manager Roland Ti."

"ITB holds field trip to BIBD

Around 15 students and teachers from Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB) made a visit to Bank Islam Brun
ei Darussalam Berhad (BIBD) at its headquarters in the capital. The visit included a presentation from officers of Sales & Marketing Department as part of BIBD's continuous effort to share knowledge on the bank's wide range of Islamic Banking products and services. - BIBD"

[Taken from Borneo Bulletin]

P/s: Sorry the picture is of bad quality.. Heheh
Love, Vevie


Buyuk eh! hahah If you guys read the paper last tuesday u know BFB22 had a trip to TAMWIL organized by sir Tasaddaq of IIEB . How come we didnt have one before? No fair eh haha. Anyways good for you guys heheh

p/s: datang MRS nanti ah


EDIT: Ada org jeles, and its to TAMWIL & BIBD HQ, also check the paper last friday (28th March) too haha
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