Wednesday, February 7, 2007

$1.00 not enough?

Wednesday, February 7, 2007
I have a new announcement to make and would like your feedback about this. Due to the increasing demand of photocopied notes (from the server), i had to inform everyone that the social fund of $1.00 every month is not enough to support our needs on 'photocopied notes'. Every month, the total social fund of our class is $20.00. Our previous collected fund can support our needs for the next 2 months, but we might have fund shortages after that. Why is that? Just this month, we spend nearly $40.00 on the notes itself deducting half of our previous fund. After discussion, we figure out that if the social fund for each person is increase to $2.00 each month, the probability of having fund shortages is minimal. Any question do e-mail our official e-mail or best in the tag-board available here. Thanks everyone.

Suggested by,
Internal Class Reps.

Supported by,
External Class Reps.


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