Monday, February 12, 2007

Life in Final Year

Monday, February 12, 2007
A'kum Peeps!

Well, I just wanna share a little something-something here. It's the thought actually though. Hehe. Nwy, how are you guys finding our final year? Honestly speaking, its DIFFICULT for me!
It's been 4 weeks now and my mind is still not catching up with all the works! Everytime we have a discussion, my mind goes blank!! Yup, BLANK!! I really don't know what happen.
Maybe my mind is still going through the "culture shock" process from attachment to studying! Haha. I even find it hard to understand some of the lecture! It's true! Entahlah guys! So, if you guys see me with a "BANGANG" face in class, jangan hairan ye! Hehe. Kalau boleh, tolong-tolong tah aku ani nyanta! Haha. 
Well, guess that's it for now. See u guys around. In fact, it's tomorrow! Hahah.... Out!

With Love (and some "Bangangness"),


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