Friday, August 10, 2007

BFB polo update

Friday, August 10, 2007
ayt guys...we've waited half a year for it..and now we get to see a prototype's some pics of the proto. oh and we'd probably re-design it we'll keep you posted. let us know what y'all think

all smiles in this pic!

we would like to thank max for initiating the prototype and for finding a good place to place our order heheh and of course for spending his hard-earned-cash on the proto haha

- ammar


Anonymous said...

ammar's so-called prototype is done! all smiles on the last pic!

Anonymous said...

regarding the tagline "the future banking professionals", how abt "banking and finance professionalism"? or something along those lines. refer to post 1st Feb '07

Anonymous said...

how abt "it's a great big world" haha

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