Friday, December 15, 2006

Polo Shirt

Friday, December 15, 2006
Hey Bankers!

Regarding the Polo Shirt, its not true that I'm in-charge!I was forced! Haha. Nah, I'm joking. Btw, one idea that we come up was :

  • The BFB21 logo (the blue white logo) is to be on the left side of the shirt. Size: not so big, not so small.
  • For guys: When the collar is raised, your name will be there. (Your name will be visible if the collar is raised) Reason: Fashion laki2 memakai polo shirt masa ani :)
  • For girls: Your name will be on one side(decided later) of the sleeve. Reason: Don't think girls would like to wear the shirt with collar raise, right? Hehe
That's what we've come up so far. For any suggestions, just email or post it here, ayt? Colour of the shirt is also yet to be decided. That's it for now! Adios! Tata!

Gokil Banker,


Anonymous said...

lawa Am!

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